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Prices and Performance

Principal MPF Schemes Series 800
Constituent Funds^^ Risk Class# Inception date Unit Price (HK$)*
(As at 25/07/2024)
Cumulative Return**
(As at 28/06/2024)
YTD % 1 Year % 3 Year % 5 Year %
Default Investment Strategy (DIS)
Principal Age 65 Plus Fund (DIS) - N 4 01/04/2017 11.5560 1.3524^ 4.3886^ -5.6032^ 6.2041^
Principal Core Accumulation Fund (DIS) - N 5 01/04/2017 14.9999 6.2921^ 11.3020^ 4.7219^ 32.4393^
Mixed Assets Funds
Principal Age 65 Plus Fund - N 4 03/04/2017 11.5560 1.3524^ 4.3886^ -5.6032^ 6.2041^
Principal Core Accumulation Fund - N 5 03/04/2017 14.9999 6.2921^ 11.3020^ 4.7219^ 32.4393^
Principal Global Growth Fund - D 5 01/12/2000 26.6407 4.9435 6.3311 -11.1359 10.5408
Principal Global Growth Fund - I 5 01/12/2000 25.8911 4.8391 6.1194 -11.6755 9.3789
Principal Long Term Accumulation Fund - D 5 01/12/2000 20.5700 2.5287 4.3512 -12.5133 4.1251
Principal Long Term Accumulation Fund - I 5 01/12/2000 19.9913 2.4268 4.1436 -13.0430 3.0326
Principal Stable Yield Fund - D 4 01/12/2000 18.2330 0.3864 2.5542 -12.8447 -1.5778
Principal Stable Yield Fund - I 4 01/12/2000 17.7220 0.2865 2.3499 -13.3735 -2.6094
Principal Aggressive Strategy Fund - D 5 22/10/2020 25.1335 7.3235 8.3949 -10.0758 N/A
Principal Aggressive Strategy Fund - I 5 22/10/2020 24.7423 7.2162 8.1781 -10.6358 N/A
Equity Funds
Principal Asian Equity Fund - D 6 01/12/2000 46.9742 11.4017 13.5322 -13.3599 19.3896
Principal Asian Equity Fund - I 6 01/12/2000 44.9208 11.2963 13.3172 -13.8644 18.0169
Principal China Equity Fund - D 7 01/08/2007 10.5432 4.8837 -6.7233 -48.6214 -29.2791
Principal China Equity Fund - I 7 01/08/2007 10.0814 4.7846 -6.8997 -48.9280 -30.1019
Principal Hong Kong Equity Fund - D 7 01/09/2006 19.2512 3.6959 -5.9442 -42.7987 -28.3975
Principal Hong Kong Equity Fund - I 7 01/09/2006 18.8233 3.6443 -6.0380 -42.9748 -28.7575
Principal International Equity Fund - D 6 01/12/2000 27.8792 13.5396 20.3784 16.9883 58.8812
Principal International Equity Fund - I 6 01/12/2000 26.6656 13.4324 20.1508 16.3184 57.0692
Principal US Equity Fund - D 6 01/12/2000 32.8995 14.2092 21.9740 26.5059 75.2421
Principal US Equity Fund - I 6 01/12/2000 31.4735 14.1012 21.7431 25.7823 73.2456
Bond Funds
Principal Hong Kong Bond Fund - N 3 01/02/2012 11.4461 0.9410 4.8674 -3.0588 2.4659
Principal International Bond Fund - D 4 01/12/2000 15.8241 -3.4697 -0.4888 -16.8258 -13.5331
Principal International Bond Fund - I 4 01/12/2000 15.6524 -3.4699 -0.4890 -16.8202 -13.5187
Principal Asian Bond Fund - N 4 22/10/2020 9.5781 0.5488 3.8328 -5.8931 N/A
Principal Hang Seng Index Tracking Fund - N 7 01/02/2012 10.7150 5.8075 -3.0122 -33.2722 -30.0763
Principal HK Dollar Savings Fund - D 2 01/12/2000 11.8765 1.6883 3.9515 4.1566 6.1123
Principal HK Dollar Savings Fund - I 2 01/12/2000 11.8053 1.6680 3.9093 4.0332 5.9634
Principal MPF Conservative Fund - N 2 01/12/2000 12.1807 1.8275 3.7407 5.4742 6.8011

For the relevant performance of Principal Aggressive Strategy Fund before and after the merger of Principal MPF Schemes Series 600 into Principal MPF Schemes Series 800 with effect from 22 October 2020, please refer to the latest Principal MPF Scheme Series 800 - Monthly Performance Review.

The unit Price of the fund is calculated on net asset value.

**  Source: Principal Asset Management Company (Asia) Limited, NAV-NAV, in fund currency.

Please note that Cumulative Return information of the constituent fund will be included in this website after the constituent fund has an investment track record of up to 6 months after its inception date.

^^  All references to units (except for Principal Aggressive Strategy Fund) of each of the Principal MPF Conservative Fund, the Principal Hang Seng Index Tracking Fund, the Principal Hong Kong Bond Fund, the Principal Core Accumulation Fund, the Principal Age 65 Plus Fund, the Principal Asian Bond Fund and any other Constituent Funds established on or after 1 April 2017 shall mean Class N units of that Constituent Fund; and all references to units of each of the other Constituent Funds (including Principal Aggressive Strategy Fund) shall mean Class D units and/or Class I units of that Constituent Fund, as the context may require. The Trustee, however, reserves the right to issue additional classes of units of any of the Constituent Funds in the future.
A Risk Class is mapped according to the seven-point risk classification below based on the latest Fund Risk Indicator of the constituent fund. Generally, the greater the Risk Class, the greater the annualized standard deviation, hence the more volatile the fund. However, it is not required to indicate the Risk Class if the Fund Risk Indicator is not available. The Risk Class is prescribed by Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority according to Code on Disclosure for MPF Investment Funds (the "Code"), please refer to the Code for details. The risk class has not been reviewed or endorsed by the Securities and Futures Commission.
Risk Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Fund Risk Indicator
Equal or above 0.0% 0.5% 2.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 25.0%
Less than 0.5% 2.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 25.0% N/A

The Fund Risk Indicator shows the risk of a constituent fund and is calculated as an annualized standard deviation based on the monthly rates of return of the constituent fund over the past three years. However, it is not required to indicate the fund risk indicator if the period between the reporting date of the fund fact sheet and the inception date for the fund is less than 3 years.

For all unit classes, fund performance is shown in fund currency and is calculated based on NAV to NAV, dividend reinvested.(Note: For Class I Units, the NAV before 30 December 2011 do not reflect the fees and charges that were deducted from members’ accounts by way of unit deduction. Therefore, performance figures shown include adjustments to reflect such unit deduction for class I Units from inception date to 29 December 2011. All performance figures following 30 December 2011 are calculated based on NAV to NAV.)

Investment involves risks and past performance is not indicative of future performance. The value of the funds may go up or down. Your investment may suffer significant loss. There is no assurance on investment returns and you may not get back the amount originally invested. You should not invest in reliance on this website. You should read the MPF Scheme Brochure/Explanatory Memorandum of the MPF Schemes for further details (including investment policy, risk factors, fee and charges of the constituent funds.)

You should consider your own tolerance level And financial circumstances before investing in the Default Investment Strategy (DIS). You should note that the Principal Core Accumulation Fund And the Principal Age 65 Plus Fund may Not be suitable for you, And there may be a risk mismatch between the Principal Core Accumulation Fund And the Principal Age 65 Plus Fund And your risk profile (the resulting portfolio risk may be greater than your risk preference). You should seek financial And/Or professional advice if you are in doubt as to whether the DIS Is suitable for you, And make the investment decision most suitable for you taking into account your circumstances.

You should note that the implementation of the DIS may have an impact on your MPF investments And benefits. You should consult with the Trustee if you have doubts on how you are being affected.

In the event that you do Not make any investment choices, please be reminded that any contributions made And/Or benefits transferred into this Scheme will be invested into the DIS.

Source of data: Principal Asset Management Company (Asia) Limited.